Payment Terms

You shall pay ChiAha for all Charges through credit card, paypal, google checkout, or similar payment mechanism that ChiAha accepts (“Payment Mechanism”). You agree to provide ChiAha the expiration date and other information requested by ChiAha pertaining to the Payment Mechanism, and You hereby authorize ChiAha to charge the Payment Mechanism for all Charges applicable to Your purchase provided pursuant to this EULA. Upon cancellation or expiration of Your Payment Mechanism, You agree to immediately provide a new Payment Mechanism and other information requested by ChiAha pertaining thereto. If ChiAha provides payment terms to You, You agree to pay all Charges in accordance with such payment terms. If You have not paid all sums due ChiAha in accordance with the terms hereof, a monthly finance charge equal to the lesser of (a) 1.5% per month, or (b) the highest amount permitted by law, shall accrue and be payable each month until paid in full. Furthermore, upon Your failure to make payment in accordance with the terms hereof, a late fee of ten percent (10%) of the amount past due shall be due and payable by You with respect to each such late payment. The waiver of a finance charge, late fee or any portion thereof shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any future finance charges or late fees. You shall be liable to ChiAha for any and all costs and expenses incurred by ChiAha, including without limitation attorneys’ fees and expenses, in collection of any past due amounts hereunder.

Last updated